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Showing posts from December, 2016

A thought provoking year

I must first of all begin this post by thanking God for answering my final prayers. This year has been an excellent artistic year for me with Barracuda going to air, the Australian Unity ad followed by another ABC drama which will go to air in 2017 makes this year my most successful acting year. 2016 was also a very good year for my writing with a piece being published on the Victorian Writers website, several poems being written, and one of my blog pieces being commissioned for the International Day of People with Disabilities event. Apart from my artistic endeavours, it has also been a year of deep philosophical and political thought for myself. That is why I have coined the phrase 'right thing politics' as part of my reaction to the extremes I have seen in politics this year. Also through my philosophical study, I have come to the conclusion that I am no longer striving for power. I am however striving to achieve my goals and live a simple artist life. That's why I ...

One in Five

Today on the day of International Day of People with Disabilities I had a wake up call as to why a day like today is important. At the shop today, I was confronted by a man ranting and raving. My initial reaction was to call the police, but my disability training kicked in. I went over and asked his mum if he had autism. So, yes, we do need days like this. However, there is a flip side in my brain as well. I want to be seen as just a normal person. That argument that has been going on in my head all day inspired the following poetic thought. ONE IN FIVE One in five of the population have a disability, but I am not a fraction, I am a whole. The International Day of Disabilities is great, but cannot give an insight to my soul. Can a liberal society live with disability, is a question that the ignorant raise. We don’t need special days. Instead of focusing on disability, we should have an international day of ability. I put on a royal robe of red in an attempt to transf...