I have been thinking for the last few months that many minority groups, whether they be disability groups or cultural groups, the LGBTQI community or the feminist movement would gain equality easier if we all worked together. I have recently been disappointed by many of my celebrity male heroes. The #MeToo campaign made me go back and watch Emma Watson's HeforShe UN speech and I have decided to take some small actions as a "real man" to show solidarity with all the females in my life. I am the first to admit that in the past I would make sexually inappropriate comments just because I thought it was funny but now I think before I speak. The recent right wing protests in Australia calling for an immigration ban on African and Muslim people is absolutely ridiculous. The colour of someone's skin does not make them dangerous. Like everyone I have my own subtle prejudices but someone's skin colour has never been a factor in my decision making. I have many frie...
Poetic posts about social justice, motivation, and more.