This year I have been forced to take a long voyage on the uncomfortable train. This might sound like a bad thing but circumstances have arisen in my life this year that have forced me to reacquaint myself with the philosophies of Stoicism, Zen, and Taoism. There have been many examples this year when I haven’t been able to get disability supports when I needed them. This has forced me to spend many hours in an uncomfortable condition. To prevent me from bursting a blood vessel in frustration I had to go back to my favourite Stoics and remind myself things could always be worse. I was also able to let go, thanks to the Taoist philosophy of Wu Wei which simply put is 'going with the flow'. Like the Spartans my disability has taught me how to handle painful conditions and I needed to remind myself of these philosophies in order to rebuild my mental fortress and sit with uncomfortable. Since 2016 the world has been in an uncomfortable state. This has recently been broug...
Poetic posts about social justice, motivation, and more.