Valentine's Day is a day set aside for expressions of love and it has got me thinking if I was able to expand my love for my wife to the entire planet and everyone else did the same, then the world would be a better place. Every recognised religion has as its core tenant 'love thy neighbour'. Something we all would do well to remember. I have been thinking of writing this Valentine's Day blog since the end of last year and I was pleasantly surprised when Joaquin Phoenix's Oscar 2020 speech echoed my thoughts for this blog. If you haven't seen the speech yet, I highly recommend that you come back to this blog post after watching it. I was also inspired by Garth Brooks song 'People Loving People' which has as its premise putting love first; "the enemy of everything that is evil is people loving people". I have always had a secret obsession with cheesy romance movies and novels but now I think that it is time for me to invite Cupid's A...
Poetic posts about social justice, motivation, and more.