It is right that there has been an extraordinary focus on the coronavirus in 2020 but it is still important to pay attention to social justice. Many governments around the world, including Australia, have been using the pandemic as cover to shift focus away from important social justice, humanitarian and environmental work. One glaring example of something our government has tried to get passed is the cut to the number of refugees we will accept each year just so they can save the budget 1.8 billion dollars. This policy does not make any sense considering one of the key indicators for getting the country out of recession is population growth. We should be taking in more refugees not less. This decision by the Morrison government is exacerbated by yet more cuts to foreign aid. Social justice for refugees is something we must continue to fight for and if you have any doubt about this you should watch the ABC series Stateless. A story inspired by true events that to...
Poetic posts about social justice, motivation, and more.