As I started to write the following I realised I have watched way too many American cop shows because I came up with the title, License and Registration Please. To talk about the first year anniversary of the Victorian Disability Worker Registration. The Victorian Disability Worker Commission (VDWC) launched on 1 July last year. I emceed a webinar encouraging disability support workers to renew their registration and reminding those who have not yet registered of the professional benefits of doing so. Disability Worker Registration allows support workers to have the professional recognition they deserve and at the same time gives people with disabilities the reassurance that if they employ a registered disability worker they have met the Victorian Safety and Quality Standards. Now it's time to do some myth busting; the Victorian Disability Worker Registration is separate to the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Check. The Victorian disability sector has always bee...
Poetic posts about social justice, motivation, and more.