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Showing posts from October, 2021

Life is Tetris

 With each day that passes, I come to terms with the fact the life is a game of Tetris and my disability does not fit.  Fourteen years ago I began a concerted campaign to build my inner self so no matter how disabled my outside body may be I will never be broken. Using lessons learnt from the Catholic Bible, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Jack Kornfield, and the 14th Dalai Lama I laid the foundation for a calm yet strong approach to life.  I have now added to this bedrock the wisdom and lessons I have gained from the writings of Ryan Holiday. In particular from his books:  The Obstacle is the Way , Ego is the Enemy , Lives of the Stoics , Stillness is the Key , and the brand new masterpiece Courage is Calling .  Most importantly from all my research I now know how to live my life in an optimal way.  It is important to breathe, to detach from outcomes, take a universal perspective, and do not judge yourself or others.  I also believe it is more important...