I have written extensively about how assistive technology helps me be independent. In blog posts such as More Than a Test Drive and Tony Stark's House (an Assistive Technology Dream) . My disability has turned the circle of life into a circle of tech. Every few years I have to go through the assistive technology merry go round because all of my equipment seems to break down at the same time. I am in the process of applying for a new hoist and sling, shower commode chair, bed, front door opener, and new abductor cushion. I also am aware in the not too distant future I will have to attempt to try and get a new wheelchair. Every time I have to apply for a new piece of equipment my therapists and I have to make the case as to why that particular piece of equipment is 'reasonable and necessary'. The frustrating thing about this is, even though it might be clear that I need a piece of equipment, one or two words in the funding form can make a difference on wheth...
Poetic posts about social justice, motivation, and more.