I have written extensively about how assistive technology helps me be independent. In blog posts such as More Than a Test Drive and Tony Stark's House (an Assistive Technology Dream). My disability has turned the circle of life into a circle of tech.
Every few years I have to go through the assistive technology merry go round because all of my equipment seems to break down at the same time.
I am in the process of applying for a new hoist and sling, shower commode chair, bed, front door opener, and new abductor cushion.
I also am aware in the not too distant future I will have to attempt to try and get a new wheelchair.
Every time I have to apply for a new piece of equipment my therapists and I have to make the case as to why that particular piece of equipment is 'reasonable and necessary'.
The frustrating thing about this is, even though it might be clear that I need a piece of equipment, one or two words in the funding form can make a difference on whether the purchase is approved or denied.
In the forty two years of my life I have experienced two different types of funding models but in each I have always had to justify the expenditure. One time they were even willing to buy a whole new wheelchair even though I didn't need one because I had used up my allocation of modification funding.
I know I am lucky to live in Australia and the fact that I can get ninety percent of the equipment I need when I need it but I still believe more adjustments need to be made to the flexibility of funding arrangements.
I know that for the rest of my life, as long as I want to be independent, I will be riding on the assistive merry go round.
Assistive Merry Go Round
My disability means my feet never touch the ground
Because of wear and tear there is always an assistive merry go round.
The circle of life is a circle of tech;
Having to tick the right boxes is a disability reality check.
Obsolescence can make me feel obsolete, having to get a new wheelchair every few years;
Brings back the same burdensome fears.
If funding forms are wrong by just one word;
It can mean funding is deferred.
To see the truth, read my disability file;
It is full of such denial.
Why does my equipment break down all at the same time?
Just when I have a new peak to climb.
Is it necessary for a new bed or wheelchair?
Answering these questions isn't easy or fair.
The circle of disability life silences the carnival sound;
I can not escape the assistive merry go round.
Chris Van Ingen | 4 March 2025
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