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Circle of Life or Circle of Tech

 I have written extensively about how assistive technology helps me be independent. In blog posts such as More Than a Test Drive and Tony Stark's House (an Assistive Technology Dream) . My disability has turned the circle of life into a circle of tech.  Every few years I have to go through the assistive technology merry go round because all of my equipment seems to break down at the same time.  I am in the process of applying for a new hoist and sling, shower commode chair, bed, front door opener, and new abductor cushion.  I also am aware in the not too distant future I will have to attempt to try and get a new wheelchair. Every time I have to apply for a new piece of equipment my therapists and I have to make the case as to why that particular piece of equipment is 'reasonable and necessary'.  The frustrating thing about this is, even though it might be clear that I need a piece of equipment, one or two words in the funding form can make a difference on wheth...
Recent posts

Live a Peak Life

 At the age of 10 I distinctly remember deciding to be the best. Ever since then I have driven myself on a journey to live a peak life.  What follows is my advice for future men. I start each year from zero. Like Batman Begins I jump off at year one. I discard what didn't work in the previous year and use only what lead me to my best self. I start each day by creating a vision of myself in the mirror as the best me. I am creative. I am strong. I am calm. I am someone my family, community, country, and even the world can rely on.  I encourage future men to put family first and be willing to to put all your effort mentally and physically to helping your family thrive and if necessary put your body on the line to protect it. Once your family is secure, guide your efforts to your community because in my opinion the best way to protect your family is to have a strong community. As a kid I grew up in a town where everyone knew their neighbours and people played for the Lara Sp...

Disability Files

 To start 2025 I am going to open up my disability files and talk about my experiences and other topics relating to disability.  Through opening up my disability files I will speak about person centred practice, amplifying the voice of people with a disability, disability and sexuality, the cultural impact of disability, beauty and disability, and much, much more.  When you read the history of disability rather than just focusing on each specific disability it is important to see the individual person in the centre and to focus on things like choice, rights, and empowerment.  In my early life there was a 'fix it' approach to disability. We have to make the disability better rather than empowering me and other people with disabilities to lead the life we want to live.  Last year was the twentieth year of me delivering disability education to the community. In that time I have encouraged the community to take a holistic view of the person with a disability's life....

Inverted Expectations (International Day of People With Disability 2024)

International Day of People With Disability is here again.  The time of year where we can celebrate the accomplishments of those of us that live with a disability. This year's theme was all about amplifying the leadership of people with disabilities and there are plenty of leaders that deserve to be amplified in the disability space.  Storm Menzies is a perfect example of a leader with a disability. Her makeup line ByStorm highlights that beauty comes in all abilities. ByStorm is an accessible line that allows people with disabilities to experience the joy of wearing makeup and expressing who they really are. The question "when you're in a wheelchair do you really need makeup?" is answered beautifully by Storm and her team.  This year I was invited to attend an International Day of People With Disability event hosted by the Victorian Disability Workers Commission. The Commissioner Dan Stubbs and their entire Enablers team are yet more living proof of amplifying leade...

Global Homeostasis

 In biology for the human body to work at its maximum you need to achieve a state known as homeostasis. Which in layman's terms means the body's systems and functions must be in balance and work in concert with each other. Given the current temperature of the world, politically and environmentally, I think it is time to apply this biological principle to our communities, countries, and the world.  There was a time when the art of politics was the art of compromise.  We need to revise this art again. In Buddhism there is a concept known as the Middle Way, and in Christianity and Stoicism you have the Four Noble Virtues: Courage, Moderation, Justice, and Wisdom.  We need to get back to the classic sayings like the happy medium, the golden mean, and meeting in the middle.  There should not be so much polarisation.  Russia had their country. Ukraine had their country. There was no need for aggression on either side.  Israel had every right to defend themse...

Sexuality Through the Ages

 It is twenty years this year since I was first approached by the School of Occupational Therapy to speak on the topic of transition to adulthood, disability, and sexuality. Since that time I have expanded to deliver disability education across Australia and yet disability and sexuality is still the most common topic I get asked to speak on.  With this in mind I am going to shock you all by saying I wish I had never had to speak on the topic. Sexuality is such a fundamental part of life that from the teenage years till death it should be assumed that anyone engaged in helping a human being with the occupation of life should automatically include the topic of sexuality.  Society has conflicting views when it comes to talking about and expressing sexuality. Add the word disability into the mix and people tend to run away or shut their eyes.  I started my sexual life like all young people by going through puberty. In the mid-nineties the environmental factors and condit...

Lights! Camera! Rhyme Time!

Chris Van Ingen and William McInnes on set of Rhyme Time Photo credit: Charlie Kinross  For regular readers of this blog it is no secret that acting is my life, and my life is acting. I can now share with you a joyful experience I had shooting a film called Rhyme Time . Rhyme Time  is a thought provoking, sweet comedy about an old school librarian coming to terms with an ever changing modern world.  Throughout my career I have been lucky enough to be billed alongside great casts such as Rachel Griffiths, Claudia Karvan, and Matt Nable to name a few.  Rhyme Time continues my blessed luck working with Australian legends such as William McInnes from Blue Heelers , Sea Change , and NCIS Sydney fame. William is joined by Emily Havea best known for her work in Wentworth . The cast was rounded out by an amazing group of adorable and rambunctious children that completely stole the show and made the final act of the film one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. Lastly I ha...