International Day of People With Disability is here again.
The time of year where we can celebrate the accomplishments of those of us that live with a disability.
This year's theme was all about amplifying the leadership of people with disabilities and there are plenty of leaders that deserve to be amplified in the disability space.
Storm Menzies is a perfect example of a leader with a disability. Her makeup line ByStorm highlights that beauty comes in all abilities. ByStorm is an accessible line that allows people with disabilities to experience the joy of wearing makeup and expressing who they really are. The question "when you're in a wheelchair do you really need makeup?" is answered beautifully by Storm and her team.
This year I was invited to attend an International Day of People With Disability event hosted by the Victorian Disability Workers Commission. The Commissioner Dan Stubbs and their entire Enablers team are yet more living proof of amplifying leadership of people with a disability.We also used the film Jeremy to highlight how in order for people with disabilities to be leaders we need to invert expectations. For those who do not remember, I played the bad boss man in the film.
The film highlights the experiences of people with disabilities in daily life as well as showing that not everyone with a disability is nice. Not everyone with a disability is a super hero.
Speaking from personal experience my disability does not make me an inspiration.
I hope that my acting, writing, and community leadership is an inspiration not my disability.
This International Day of People With Disability let us take the amplification of leaders with a disability today and spread it across everyday so in the future a young person with a disability knows that they too can rule the world.
I am the captain of the ship Amplify;
Disability leadership will never be denied.
Amplification makes our voice louder;
Everyone with a disability live your life prouder.
Ignore the feedback and distortion;
Leadership is knowing when to fight with a lack of caution.
I am always willing to take a punt;
Because of my disability and not in spite of it I choose to lead from the front.
The disabled life is about inverted expectation;
We too can lead nations.
I am the captain of the ship Amplify;
Disability leadership will never be denied.
Chris Van Ingen | 3 December 2024
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