In this 2019 election it is important to reenergise the power of your vote.
The Australian coat of arms is a symbol of a country that is dedicated to moving forward so when we head to the polls on May 18th I ask all voters to remember the coat of arms.
In election 2019 it is time to stop our democracy from being hacked and reengage with our politicians and politics.
It is time to end left wing and right wing battles and come together as a solid base from which all people can enjoy Australia.
Our real leaders should be better than fictional ones. My favourite leader is the president from the West Wing. All leaders should be as inspirational in the real world.
World leaders such as the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King made their stamp on the world when we they put their humanity first. So ask yourself, which of our leaders puts people first?
In my opinion real leaders don't play mind games with the people only throwing Monopoly play money when it's time to get elected.
It has been shown that the gap between rich and poor grows each year. A true leader is one who evens the scales. We do not need Scrooge McDuck as a prime minister helping the top end of town to keep swimming in their pools of money.
A great leader should clear the highest bar and create the most good for their people.
The Coalition however chooses to ignore the people that need their help the most. This is evident by the fact they have covertly moved $1.6 billion earmarked for people with disabilities through the NDIS to pay for tax breaks for the top 1%.
More evidence of the Liberal's out of touch attitude towards the community occurred when Peter Dutton accused his opponent of using her disability as an excuse. If she was really using her disability as an excuse she wouldn't even bother standing for election. Do we really want these sorts of heartless people running our country?
A great leader is the voice of the people uniting and inspiring everyone with a vision for the future. The best prime minister makes the whole country their electorate. It is important to remember as we stand in line at the election booths that our vote should not be wasted; it is Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket to democracy.
Your vote can help bring together the threads of a great Australia.
Our world needs leaders that are climate heroes. Big business can't spend their big bonuses if all that's left of the planet is a big black hole. So my fellow voters let's elect the leader that's prepared to be the real life Captain Planet.
If we want to switch our politics from a blame game to a truly united national aim it is time for us all to switch on and use our vote to take action.
Seek the truth, do not be dazzled by political charms. To move our country forward we must remember the symbolism of our coat of arms.
The Australian coat of arms is a symbol of a country that is dedicated to moving forward so when we head to the polls on May 18th I ask all voters to remember the coat of arms.
In election 2019 it is time to stop our democracy from being hacked and reengage with our politicians and politics.
It is time to end left wing and right wing battles and come together as a solid base from which all people can enjoy Australia.
Our real leaders should be better than fictional ones. My favourite leader is the president from the West Wing. All leaders should be as inspirational in the real world.
World leaders such as the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King made their stamp on the world when we they put their humanity first. So ask yourself, which of our leaders puts people first?
In my opinion real leaders don't play mind games with the people only throwing Monopoly play money when it's time to get elected.
It has been shown that the gap between rich and poor grows each year. A true leader is one who evens the scales. We do not need Scrooge McDuck as a prime minister helping the top end of town to keep swimming in their pools of money.
A great leader should clear the highest bar and create the most good for their people.
The Coalition however chooses to ignore the people that need their help the most. This is evident by the fact they have covertly moved $1.6 billion earmarked for people with disabilities through the NDIS to pay for tax breaks for the top 1%.
More evidence of the Liberal's out of touch attitude towards the community occurred when Peter Dutton accused his opponent of using her disability as an excuse. If she was really using her disability as an excuse she wouldn't even bother standing for election. Do we really want these sorts of heartless people running our country?
A great leader is the voice of the people uniting and inspiring everyone with a vision for the future. The best prime minister makes the whole country their electorate. It is important to remember as we stand in line at the election booths that our vote should not be wasted; it is Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket to democracy.
Your vote can help bring together the threads of a great Australia.
Our world needs leaders that are climate heroes. Big business can't spend their big bonuses if all that's left of the planet is a big black hole. So my fellow voters let's elect the leader that's prepared to be the real life Captain Planet.
If we want to switch our politics from a blame game to a truly united national aim it is time for us all to switch on and use our vote to take action.
Seek the truth, do not be dazzled by political charms. To move our country forward we must remember the symbolism of our coat of arms.
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