In 2020 our lives were a bit all over the place but I, and the world, have great expectations for 2021.
The darling that is democracy will hopefully become stable once more with the dumping of Trump and the powerhouse team of Biden and Harris taking the reigns.
It is important however to remember that not everything will be fixed overnight. We have to be prepared to go with the rhythm of the world. COVID-19 is not over yet. We have to be willing to alter our timing based on the scientific advice.
We have to go with the flow and realise that it is time to put runs on the board and worry about the victory years down the track. We are all part of one human family.
With a new democratic president being sworn in I am reminded of the question JFK posed to the world, ‘Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country’.
This is going to be my approach to 2021. I have set myself the goal of using my acting skills to demonstrate what is possible. I aim to be to Australian acting what Dylan Alcott is to tennis.
I also aim to show the community the reality of my disability by painting pictures with my poetry like Frida Kahlo did with her paintings.
Lastly it is my mission to talk the talk of human rights and social justice with the same passion and focus as Martin Luther King.
I know these are lofty goals for 2021 so I plan to approach all of this like a sculptor where each goal is like a big block of marble and I get closer to it by chipping away one piece each day.
It is important to remember that humanity still has big challenges ahead in 2021 but amazing things cannot happen if the world shrinks away from great expectations.
Great Expectations
The world is at a precarious stage and a leader must be able to handle
The great expectations that fly off Mr Dicken's page.
A leader takes control of a nation but must be willing to pay the rent
Otherwise the voters will swiftly kick out an incompetent tyrant.
I am prepared to play my part.
I am happy to be big on the small screen and small on the big screen
To show the world a side to disability they have never seen.
I talk the talk and lend my voice and hope one day my words will be remembered alongside 'I have a dream'.
My brain is free and my body sits inside a broken wheelchair.
Hopefully the world will see an important energy lived in that person there.
I humble myself and hope the world will be one nation
And hope that everyday actions can fulfil great expectations.
©️Chris Van Ingen | 21 January 2021
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