With 2022 being a year of elections around the world, including Australia, it makes our vote very important in the defense of democracy. Politics tragics like myself know that politics is at its best when it is a contest of ideas that represents all people.
Leadership is about creating a healthy community and making sure everyone has access to healthcare. This is especially important at the moment given that we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic despite what political leaders would like for us to believe. Healthy people cannot exist without a healthy economy and a healthy community and economy cannot exist without a healthy climate.
A leader is responsible for a working economy. In my opinion, a working economy is one that works for everyone and the very fact that the gap between the richest people in the world and the poorest people keeps growing shows that our economy is not working. For decades corporate elites have talked about the policy of trickle down economics but I believe that this is a flawed argument. Trickle down economics is not fair. We do not have to have corporates winning over workers, or workers winning over corporations. We need to balance the scales perfectly in the centre. It's time for bottom up economics.
A leader is someone who counts the cost and gives it all. At the moment the world is going through a cost of living crisis. There are no easy fixes but a leader has to know when to make the tough decisions for the benefit of the people they are leading. For example, a fifteen billion dollar tax cut for the highest wage earners may not be the best decision when you are arguing that programs like the NDIS are too expensive and unsustainable.
A good leader focuses on the social good and the social justice. They make sure that social programs are in place to benefit everyone. Australia is the thirteenth richest country in the world so we should not have a homeless problem in our country. There should be a roof over every Australian's head. Medicare is sustainable if we don't waste 5.5 billion dollars on contracts for submarines that we then tear up. When a leader focuses on the social good, no one should be left out or left behind.
A true leader knows the best form of defence is unity. Under no circumstances should another country attack another. There is a reason within government that we have a defence portfolio and not a war portfolio because a country should focus on defence only. Every country's aim should be to become an unattractive target to aggressors. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine shows us that every citizen must have the ability to defend themselves and their nation should the need arise. I know that there are many people with disabilities that are also willing to do their duty. I would be in the army right now if they would let me.
A leader is responsible for creating the environment for their people to thrive. There is no doubt however that our world is going through an environmental crisis that requires real action on climate change. A leader doesn't just do what is easy right now but does what is necessary to create a better future. There is no reason Australia could not become a green clean energy super power. We have the greatest natural advantages in our continent. We are one of the sunniest places on Earth so solar energy is abundant. We also have natural wind coming off the ocean which is another great way to create electricity; this combines perfectly with the hydroelectricity and hydrogen generation that we are able to create due to the fact that we are surrounded by water puts us in an extremely advantageous position for a Net Zero future.
Leadership of a country or state is like being the captain of a ship. A captain leads a ship through rough waters; a political leader leads their people through the tides of change. A good leader must be willing to fight for their people using their words, their spirit, and their body. A good leader never says 'I don't hold a hose'. I can barely open my hands but even I can hold a hose in times of crisis and if necessary I would defend my country with a sword strapped to one hand and a spear in the other. My favourite leadership quote is to 'never ask someone to do something you are not prepared to do yourself'.
Every single citizen is a leader. You lead every election time when you cast your vote. So please no matter who you vote for, vote for someone because you are part of the beautiful colour of democracy.
If you like what I have written here, before you vote please check out my series of video essays called 'If I was Prime Minister'.
Colours of Democracy
Our vote paints the parliament in the colours of democracy;
Whether you're young or old or have a disability.
The people's energy does flow from left to right,
Green and red, blue, brown, and yellow.
The First Nation's flag is painted on one half of the entrance door
The Australian national flag is painted on the other.
So when the doors close they come together;
One nation forever.
A kaleidoscope of social justice and hope shines from parliament;
Where the rule of law finds assent.
A leader leads their people like a captain leads a ship;
The fate of their people are in their grip.
One vote, one voice.
Do not waste your choice.
If you believe in human rights and wish for all people to be free
Then we must defend all the colours of democracy.
Chris Van Ingen | 15 May 2022
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