The fifteenth United Nations Conference of State Parties (COSP15) to the Convention of the Rights of People with Disabilities took place this year.
Most people would be aware of the conference related to climate change known as the COP. What the community might be less aware of is that the United Nations holds a similar conference to implement the Charter of Rights of People with Disabilities (CORPD).
The conference is made up of members from countries that have signed up to the CORPD.
The conference makes sure that disability rights and inclusion is part of the bedrock of all United Nations' decisions and activity binding all signatories to the commitment of disability inclusion and rights.
Some key areas covered in the 2022 conference include: health outcomes for people with disabilities with a special emphasis on the COVID crisis; gender equality for all including people with disabilities; the impacts of climate change on society including people with disabilities; and, the impact of disability on First Nations people as well as many other important policy and human rights decisions.
COSP15 highlights that disability advocacy and inclusion needs to be an important part of every level of society from United Nations delegates to each and every individual support worker helping people live with a real life disability.
Real Life Disability
Real life disability is about focusing on challenges and ability.
It is about not bowing to social conventions;
Making sure disability rights have appropriate attention.
Social inclusion is more than a wishful illusion.
Empowering words need to translate into action,
Not just tricky political distraction.
From United Nations to the community,
People are people when it comes to real life disability.
Choice and control are the things that make a person whole.
The ability to be free to love, live, and worship
Are not things that a disability means you automatically skip.
Things that politicians say might not mean a thing when it comes to overall stability
But they give hope to people living with real life disability.
Chris Van Ingen | 28 July 2022
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