In 2022 my first blog post was called Day One. This year it’s time to go to the next level!
Over the Christmas break I did some of my most deep thinking and realised that I have only had little drops of success. It’s time for me to commit to a five year surge.
A five year surge where I’m only focussing on becoming the best artistic version of myself I can be because I have come to the conclusion that everything else I want to achieve can be achieved as a flow on effect of becoming the best poet and actor possible.
Going to the next level is about using everything I have in a concentrated form. It’s about never giving up and never being finished.
In a stroke of perfect timing I was given the opportunity to get David Goggins’ book Never Finish. In my opinion Never Finish is even better than his first book You Can’t Hurt Me. It has the ability to put anyone who reads it into the savage mindset.
I will never be a Navy SEAL or an ultra athlete but I can, and do, use the same mindset towards my acting and poetry. Put it simply, just get after it.
This is the only way to be all in all the time and reach the next level by using my full power.
Full Power
My wheelchair might make me look weak because I can’t use the stairs to reach the top of the tower;
But that’s just because you’ve never seen my mind and will at full power.
It’s not about awards, medals, or a cup;
For me it’s all about levelling up.
You never know what life can bring.
The only way you can keep the winner’s grin is being willing to go all in.
No matter the pain or the energy drain,
It’s not applause but the personal power you gain.
Some people think being focussed on a goal
To the exclusion of all else is crazy
But how dare you be so glib.
Get back to me when you’ve delivered your lines with a broken rib.
I used to think it was my destiny to be a disabled king;
That when I reach the peak the sanctioned angels will sing.
Life is simpler than that.
There is no more tower when my mind and will are at full power.
Chris Van Ingen | 22 January 2023
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