TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNING: The following content may include triggers for sexual assault survivors and is only suitable for people over 15 years of age.
It is a disturbing fact that 85% of people with disabilities experience abuse in their lifetime. So when I was sent an article about a sexual assault counsellor accused of sexual misconduct with a client, who then was able to get a position with NDIS participants I was outraged.
When the Geelong Sexual Assault & Family Violence (SAFV) Centre counsellor was suspended from counselling because of sexual misconduct with a client he went on to work with NDIS participants.
According to the article the man at the centre of the story groomed a client from 2018 to 2020. So I ask you how does this man get a position where he then has responsibilities for people with disabilities?
Many people with disabilities are already vulnerable with most cases of abuse happening with the perpetrators being the primary carers.
When you are dealing with people with disabilities you are dealing with many people who are nonverbal, have cognitive impairments, or neurodiverse disabilities such as autism. Which means they can often have difficulty with social boundaries and recognising social cues.
Surely before employing this man to work with NDIS participants you would check his previous work history and the suspension would be a huge red flag?
We are in the 21st century and we are all about equality and respect, so surely we have come far enough that the words about protecting people with disabilities are more than just words?
But not only did this man get to work with people with disabilities he then left the agency and went to work for an indigenous co-op.
So this type of thing does not happen anymore, share the link to the article below with everyone you know because we need to get rid of predators like this not just from the disability community but from society as a whole. I would usually end my post with a poem but this is not a poetic topic and all I ask is that we all beware.
Article can be found here:
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