The final revised version of the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) into violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation was published on 2 November 2023.
The Royal Commission ran for four years with hundreds of people with disabilities testifying at hearings and thousands more supplying the Commission with written submissions.
The final report titled Our Vision for An Inclusive Australia made 222 recommendations to improve laws, policies, structures, and practices to ensure a more inclusive and just society. That supports the independence of people with disabilities and their right to live a life free from violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
The report covers 12 volumes ranging from:
- Voices of People with Disability
- About the Royal Commission
- Nature and Extent of Violence, Abuse, and Exploitation
- Realising the Human Rights of People with Disability
- Governing for Inclusion
- Inclusive Education, Employment, and Housing
- Enabling Autonomy and Access
- Criminal Justice and People with Disability
- First Nations People with Disability
- Disability Services
- Independent Oversight and Complaints Mechanisms
- Beyond the Royal Commission
The Commission gathered evidence over 32 hearings. Some of the evidence given by people with disabilities, their friends, family, and carers was heartbreaking and difficult to hear.
So much so that during the hearings in relation to special schools I had to stop watching because it triggered my own trauma from my time at a special school in the nineties.
The top recommendations from the final report are to reduce and end segregation through special schools and disability enterprises paving the way for all people with disabilities to go to mainstream school and seek open employment.
The Commissioners have also recommended the establishment of an Australian Disability Rights Act to enshrine Australia's commitment to the UN Charter for the Rights of People with Disabilities into law and an independent commission to oversee the implementation of the Australian Disability Rights Act.
People with disabilities were also happy to see that the Commission recommended that disability have its own minister within the federal government.
After four years of sometimes traumatic testimony, I only hope the government will implement all 222 recommendations and repay people with disabilities' courage and trust and not leave the report just gathering dust.
Don't Let Us Collect Dust
Voices of people with a disability spoke out in trust;
Don’t let our words sit on the shelf collecting dust.
Violence, neglect, abuse, and exploitation;
How much evidence do you need to hear before you can tell these things thrive in segregation?
Don’t let us collect dust on the shelf;
The world is better when we can empower ourself.
You might be expecting the report to say something rousing;
But all we're asking for is inclusive work, education, and housing.
Don’t let us collect dust;
Human rights for people with a disability is not a should, it’s a must.
Abracadabra completes the illusion;
Let’s hope that those in power don’t try and make magic out of the phrase, governing for inclusion.
How many people with disability have to get caught up in justice and end up facing injustice?
Or be the butt of a joke to make people laugh?
So we can be seen and not heard, how many times are we gently nudged down the polished path?
Voices of people with disability spoke out in trust;
Don’t leave our words collecting dust.
Chris Van Ingen | 14 November 2023
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